How to Rank #1 on Google for the World's Most Competitive Keywords

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How to Rank #1 on Google for the World's Most Competitive Keywords
I'm going to let you in on a little secret, but you have to make a promise to me. You can't use this against me. I rank for the most competitive term on Google. On page one. You know what that term is, SCO. I'm competing with other markers who know what they're doing. That's harder than just competing with.
Other companies I'm competing with companies with money that know what they're doing and I'm on page one for the term SCO, and I'm going to show you the exact steps I took to rank there. But again, you have to promise not to use this for that term, so you would outrank me.

Ranking First Page for SEO

  The first thing,   I had to share with you is your content needs to be super detailed and thorough. If it's not thorough like pillar content, what I mean by pillar content is that one piece of content that pretty much explains everything out there under the sun for that one topic, you know the number one result for SCO is. It's Mars, it's a beginner's guide to SCO. It's really long and it discusses is everything about SCO.

  • How to do it?
  • What it's about? 
  • How it got started? 

Every little thing, and every tactic or formula that Google is looking at to rank a site. Now am I can't. It doesn't rank as high, but if you notice the content of P S Kathait isn't as thorough and you don't have to be a soul, but it just shows a more thorough. You are the better off you're going to be in rankings.

  The second thing,   you need to know is your content needs to be beautiful. The better design in the more beautiful it is, the better off you are. People don't like looking out ugly. I don't like looking at ugly web pages. No one else does either. Make sure your stuff is really pretty.

  Third,   it has a low pass. If it doesn't look fast, it's not going to work for most people, especially on their mobile phones like pulling out their mobile phone. Like oh, this is taking forever to load more than 50% of the people using Google or on their mobile phone or mobile device. So make sure your site loads fast, especially that web page that you're trying to rank.

  Five,  After you do that, cross that post or that pillar page on every other page on your website. If you go to P S Kathait and you go to any single blog post, you'll notice that I linked to my SQL article. It's providing more juice. It's telling Google hey, I'm leading to this article on every single page for a reason. It's important I find it important. I want users to know it's important they're clicking on it. You should rank it higher up as well.

  The next thing,   you need to do is to use an 8 reps GO type in your competitor URLs and go see who links to them. Head up all of those see people and ask them for a link.

  For example; You can send him a short email saying,  

Hey John, 

I notice you're linking to XY and Z sites. I have a similar article that came out but mine covers.1/2 and three that their article didn't feel free to check it out here, and if you like it linked to it. 

Cheers PS. And leaving an email like that to other people.

Leave to your competitors will cause more links back to you if you send a hundred of those, you should get roughly five people linking back to you. If you don't get 5 linking back to you. That means the email you're sending is too irrelevant. People that shouldn't be linking to you in the first place.

  The next thing,   you want to do is to be patient. You're not gonna rank right away. That page actor put up it took a year and a half before it popped onto the first page. You gotta be patient, continually updated, provide more value, make it a prettier design. 

But as long as you're keeping everything up today and your patient eventually notices your rankings will climb. My mom for being in the top 1000 to top 100 to page 5 to page 4 to three to two and eventually page one. It was a slow, gradual built.

  The last tips,   for you, and this is what most people don't tell you when it comes to ranking.

If you have two sites, General Motors and BMW, they both have a lot of links. They both have billions of dollars to spend on SCO and marketing.

  So how does Google know which one to rank?  

Higher for car-related terms, it's brand. Related, if Google notices that more people are searching for BMW over General Motors, what are they going to do? They're going to start ranking BMW higher 'cause they have a bigger brand.

So if you want your articles on your site to rank higher for not just patterns for everything that you're doing, you need to build a brand write blog posts. Do a podcast. Great videos like this by building a brand and doing it consistently for a year 2-3 years.


You'll notice that your rankings will climb, not just for competitive terms, but for everything out there, right?

If you're not sure how to build a brand 'cause it's different for every single business, leave a comment. Tell me what you're doing and I'll give you feedback. And I'll tell you if you're doing the right thing or the wrong things. That way you don't waste time.

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