What are Backlinks and Why are They Important

Backlinks are links from a page on one website to another. What are Backlinks and Why are They Important
What are Backlinks and Why are They Important

Today, you're going to learn what backlinks are, why they're important, What makes a backlink high quality, and how to get more backlinks to your site.

What are Backlinks?

Backlinks are links from a page on one website to another. From the receiving end, these are often referred to as incoming links or inbound links. And from the linking side, they're called external, outgoing or outbound links.

Why are Backlinks Important?

There are three reasons why they're important.

  • First, it's a factor that helps Google and other search engines determine which pages should rank the highest for a given query.
  • Links to your website can send you more visitors through referral traffic.
  • Backlinks can help search engines discover your pages faster.

What Make a Backlink High Quality

Topical Relevance.
Google talks about this in their "reasonable surfer" model which explains how the likeliness of a link being clicked relates to its importance.

Authority OF Backlink.
Google places a score on this called "PageRank." But since these numbers aren't publicly available, third party tools like ours use our own proprietary metrics.

Domain Rating.
Which represents the overall strength of a website's link popularity,

URL Rating.
Which represents the overall strength of a page's link popularity.

How do you get Backlinks?

There are three methods to getting backlinks, This is when people discover your pages through any medium.

Earn Backlinks.

  • Natural organic growth.
  • Google search, social media, or word of mouth.
  • Choose to link to your page.

Create Backlinks.

  • Creating backlinks is when you add a link on another website that points to your site.
  • This might be through forums, directories, blog comments, or some other method.

Build Backlinks.

  • This is usually done through strategies collectively known as link building.

You can build links by reaching out to other site owners, editors, or webmasters and ask them to link to your page.
As a general rule of thumb, the easier it is to get a link, the less valuable it will be.

Thank's for Reading...

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