Local SEO Link Building: How To Rank #1 With Backlinks

Learn about local SEO Link building and how to make sure that you rank number one with backlinks. SEO Google's our room is kind of like...

Welcome to the P S Kathait blog. In today's article, you're going to learn about Local SEO Link Building and how to make sure that you rank number one with backlinks. SEO Google's our room is kind of like a voting system right so the more backlinks you have aka votes the higher you're going to rank on Google.

If you're wondering what backlinks actually are this is a clickable text from one website to another that takes you between them right now how do you get high-quality backlinks to your website.

Local SEO Link Building: How To Rank #1 With Backlinks

Local SEO Link Building: Focus on Local SEO

Basically, you want to focus with local SEO on making sure it's relevant and making sure that the backlinks you get are in the same geographic location as you because Google will pick that up and in its local algorithm. It will see right you're getting backlinks from websites in the same geographic local area as you which means that your website is credible or authoritative and therefore Google's going to push it up the algorithm.

Check your competitors

At the same time this also depends on what your competitors are doing so you may be wondering how many backlinks do I need this comes down to your competition right so you have to try and beat your competition. Because it's only one place you can only rank because there's only one number one spot on Google so you have to try and outdo your competition when it comes to link building.

what does that mean well you can reverse engineer how many backlinks your competitors have what sort of quality those backlinks are with a tool like address and then once you've done that you can then figure out right I need x number of backlinks to beat the competition and to outrank.

They are on google but how do you get backlinks well the first thing I would say is that you need to build some citations right if you haven't done them already and citations will help you rank higher on google.

Because it lists your company on other websites it's kind of like a directory and   it means that you build up some authority to your site but at the same time you also need backlinks 

Learn what is Matched Content, how to check if your site is eligible for Matched Content, and how to create a matched content unit learn more to. ( Click Here )

What is Matched content?
Matched content looks similar to ad units on your site's pages. Instead of ads, the matched content unit can display more of your own content to your readers.

Benefit include:
It is a great way to increase your site's page views the time spent on your site, reader loyalty ad impressions, and ultimately ad revenue.

Contact local partners and suppliers

One of the easiest ways to get backlinks to your website is to contact partners and suppliers you have locally. So if you're working with any suppliers locally if you even do some charity work locally then potentially you could ask them for a link back to your site.

What this will do is signal to google that you're an authority locally in your regional area and therefore you should be pushed up from google you know.

For example;

  • You could contact local newspapers the local chamber of commerce even foundations that you've worked within the past or suppliers that work with you currently and this will go a long way in signaling your credibility to google.

One thing to be careful of when it comes to local SEO link building is that if you build too many backlinks or if those links are very low quality. Then that's a spam signal to Google and you could get penalized for this so you have to be very careful about the quality of links you're building.

And don't go on to like fiverr.com and buy a load of automated links because even though they may be cheap even though you think right that's going to solve the solution in a few minutes actually it's only going to hurt your website in the long run.

And it's better to focus on a handful of really high-quality backlinks than an absolute ton of low-quality ones. So focus on just getting links from real businesses in your area that actually want to link to you.

Guest posting

The other thing is well what you could do is post guest posts on other sites related to yours so:

For example;

  •  if you're a local business in the plumbing industry you could contact other plumbing-related websites and ask them for a guest post.
  • You can reach out to them via email you could even call them up and just say hey we want to contribute a really high-quality article to your website.

We think that your readers would love it would you mind if we just publish like a thousand word or two thousand word article on whatever topic you want to talk about these sorts of guest posts can go a long way in getting your website ranked.

Because it funnels authority from that website to yours signaling to Google that your website has a lot of trust because other sites want to link to you.

So that’s it all about Local SEO Link Building. Thank you so much for reading. Have a nice day.

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